Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Members also read Breaking Night: Homeless to Harvard by Liz Murray. Several members loved it. One member hated it but she also said she wasn't in the mood for this type of book. Mrs. Schatz said this book is ANOTHER example of why people must read well and have the determination to educate themselves. Miss Murray could read well and decided she needed a high school education and diploma. The reading skill, the determination, and asking for & accepting help got her into Harvard University. Proof positive!!!
and there are more videos of Liz Murray and her book on youtube!!!  Inspiring story!!! 
For September we read After by Amy Efaw. 5 members said it was a great book concerning coming of age & responsibility, "a page turner that she couldn't put down", & "awesome". 1 reader thought it was a good book, interesting read but not satisfied with the ending. And one reader hated it. Go the Book Whisperer's blog (link above) to watch a book trailer of it. The books are ready for checkout.